With partial support of DFID/UKaid, ICRISAT/CCAFS, and CIMMYT/CSISA, AgMIP conducted a training course in India to enable researchers to utilize multiple crop models and AgMIP software tools to conduct Regional Integrated Assessments of crop production and food security.
With a focus on experienced crop modelers who are advancing AgMIP protocol-driven research in South Asia, the training helped 48 modelers to expand knowledge base to include DSSAT or APSIM.
- Date: March 25-29, 2013
- Place: ICRISAT, Patancheru, AP, India.
- Resource Persons
- DSSAT: Ken Boote (University of Florida), Gerrit Hoogenboom (Washington State University)
- APSIM: John Hargreaves (CSIRO)
- IT: Cheryl Porter (University of Florida)