Green bean or snap bean is a result of specialized genetics of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) in which the pod is edible and harvested in tender state for human consumption. Snap bean is a popular fresh market vegetable. The CSM-CROPGRO-Green bean model was derived from the CSM-CROPGRO-Dry bean model to provide the ability to simulate fresh weight production of snap bean (Djidonou, 2008). Its predecessor, the CROPGRO-Dry Bean model was developed from the BEANGRO model (Hoogenboom et al., 1992; Hoogenboom et al., 1994; White et al., 1995) and shares the same source code as the other CROPGRO legume models (Boote et. al., 1998; Jones et al., 2003) which includes hedge-row light interception model (Boote and Pickering, 1994) combined with a leaf-scale photosynthesis model based on the Farquhar approach for simulating response to CO2. The CROPGRO-Green bean model shares similar physiology, phenology, and plant composition to the dry bean model, with the exception of having a later onset of seed, a lower ratio of seed to pod, more tender pods, and early harvesting prior to significant seed growth. Those traits are described in the species and cultivar trait files. Different from most DSSAT models, the code allows for simulating dry matter concentration of the pods, and, therefore, prediction of market fresh weight as well as dry weight.
The CROPGRO-Green bean model is relatively new and has only been evaluated (actually calibrated) to one experiment on nitrogen response conducted in Florida by Djidonou (2008). The model would, therefore, benefit from further evaluation in other regions and environments.
- Boote, K. J., J. W. Jones, G. Hoogenboom, and N. B. Pickering. 1998. The CROPGRO Model for Grain Legumes. pp. 99-128. In: G.Y. Tsuji, G. Hoogenboom, and P. K. Thornton (eds.) Understanding Options for Agricultural Production. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht
- Boote, K.J., and N.B. Pickering. 1994. Modeling Photosynthesis of Row Crop Canopies. HortScience 29: 1423–34.
- Djidonou, D. 2008. Adapting the CROPGRO Legume Model to Simulate Growth and Fresh Market Yield of Snap Bean. M.Sc. Thesis, University of Florida.
- Hoogenboom, G. J. W. Jones, and K. J. Boote. 1992. Modeling growth, development and yield of grain legumes using SOYGRO, PNUTGRO, and BEANGRO: A Review. Transactions of the ASAE 35(6):2043-2056.
- Hoogenboom, G., White, J.W., Jones, J.W., Boote, K.J., 1994. BEANGRO: A process-oriented dry bean model with a versatile user interface. Agronomy Journal 86, 182-190.
- Jones, J.W., G. Hoogenboom, C.H. Porter, K.J. Boote, W.D. Batchelor, L.A. Hunt, P.W. Wilkens, U. Singh, A.J. Gijsman, and J.T. Ritchie. 2003. The DSSAT Cropping System Model. European Journal of Agronomy 18:235–65.
- White, J.W., Hoogenboom, G., Jones, J.W., Boote, K.J., 1995. Evaluation of the dry bean model BEANGRO V1.01 for crop production research in a tropical environment. Experimental Agriculture 31, 241-254.