The following processes are computed on a daily basis in the soil inorganic N module:
- Plant uptake rates for NO3 and NH4 are computed in the individual plant modules. These amounts of N taken up are integrated into soil state variables in the inorganic N module.
- Fertilizer event: Urea, NO3 , and NH4 are placed each day to user-specified depths.
- Tillage event: Soil NO3, NH4, and urea are mixed within the tillage depth with specified mixing efficiency.
- Volatilization of NH4 in oxidation layer to ammonia gas (NH3).
- Hydroloysis of urea to NH4.
- Mineralization and immobilization due to organic matter decomposition.
- Addition of mineralized N to NH4 pool .
- Subtraction of immobilized N from NH4 (preference) and NO3 pools.
- Nitrification of NH4 to NO3, N2O and NO gases.
- Denitirification of NO3 to N2O and N2 gases.
- Movement of NO3 and Urea with soil water drainage and upflux.