DSSAT v4.8.5.0
Version, Release date 2024-12-01
- New Tools
- XB2 – Replacement for XBuild for creating crop management files; developed in Java. The yield forecasting and climate change options are still under development.
- TSE – Time Series Estimator – Tool for estimating cultivar coefficients using time series observations (Memic et al., 2021. Cultivar coefficient estimator for the cropping system model based on time-series data – a case study for soybean. https://doi.org/10.13031/trans.14432).
- Updated Tools
- GLUEP – Parallized version of GLUE (Ferreira et al., 2024. Enhancing crop model parameter estimation across computing environments: Utilizing the GLUE method and parallel computing for determining genetic coefficients. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compag.2024.109513).
- New Crop Models
- Lentil – CROPGRO (Jing et al., 2024. Simulating the development and growth of lentil using the CSM-CROPGRO model. https://doi.org/10.1002/agj2.21654).
- Bahia – PRFRM (Smith et al., 2023. Adapting the CROPGRO Perennial Forage model to predict growth and development of Pensacola bahiagrass. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fcr.2023.109095).
- Bambara groundnut – CROPGRO (Karunaratne et al., 2024. Adapting the CROPGRO model to simulate growth, development, and yield of Bambara groundnut (Vigna subterranea L. Verdc), an underutilized crop. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.eja.2024.127279).
- Amaranth – CROPGRO (Nkebiwe et al., 2021. Adapting the CROPGRO-faba bean model to simulate the growth and development of Amaranthus species. https://doi.org/10.1002/agj2.21090).
- New Functionality
- The model will read dates with a 4-digit year in FileA.
- Output for estimated net CO2 provided in GHG.OUT and Summary.OUT files.
- Added economic yield output in the Overview.OUT and Summary.OUT files.
- Multiple harvests are now included as output in MgmtEvent.OUT file.
- The Perennial Forage Model can now be used for crop rotations.
- Update for Bahia grass using the PRFRM Model as the default crop module.
- New daily soil output for LL, DUL, SAT, and BD for all soil layers provided in SoilWater.OUT.
- Plant model revisions
- Protections for division by zero.
- CERES-Wheat
- Improved output format.
- Updated read ecotype parameters format.
- Fixed divisions by zero caused by cultivar calibration.
- Fixed divisions by zero caused by cultivar calibration.
- CROPGRO-Cotton
- Added lint yield and lint percentage as an output in Overview.OUT, Evaluate.OUT and Summary.OUT.
- CROPGRO-Strawberry
- Improved FreshWt.OUT outputs.
- Miscellaneous
- Update Taro and CERES-Wheat cultivar file variable descriptions.
- New README.md for dssat-csm-os developers.
- Updated soil NO3 and NH4 variables in DATA.CDE.
- General spelling improvements in *.CUL files.
- Added ASCE ET parameters to species files.
- Updated GHG starting condition for methane production.
- Updated Soil properties error checking for DUL, SAT, LL, SRGF and SSKS.
- Added MAXIMA, MINIMA and trait (P/G/N) for ecotype coefficients for CROPGRO crops.
- Added protection for SOILDYN Soil Organic Matter changes in DUL.
- CMake option to allow dynamic link.
- Include Gencalc rules and Gencalc About in the Data\Default directory
- Updated verbose output mode for SoilTemp.OUT.
- Added protections for Weather variables when NaN found in *.WTH file.
- Updated encoding issues of \*.CDE files.
- Corrected spelling of Tannier to Tanier.
- Experimental Data
- Change the default soil evaporation method to Ritchie for most crops.
- Added new example data files for climate change applications using data from Turkiye based on Gurkan et al. (2021): https://doi.org/10.1017/S0021859621000101.
- Added a new experimental data file for soybean from Brazil provided by Moura da Silva et al. (2022): https://doi.org/10.1016/j.agrformet.2022.109075.
DSSAT v4.8.2.0
Version, Release date 2023-08-03
- New Crop Models
- Carinata – CROPGRO
- Guar – CROPGRO
- Guinea grass – FORAGE
- Strawberry – CROPGRO
- New Functionality
- Soil Temperature default method switched from Ritchie equation to average daily temperature (TAVG).
- Automatic MOW for Forage crops.
- Multi-Harvest for CROPGRO crops.
- N20 csv output file.
- Added Crop status column to Summary.OUT (status of crop at end of simulation).
- Fertigation fertilizer placed at user-specified depth.
- Output potential root water uptake in ET.OUT.
- Input Soil alternative electron acceptors (SAEA) in soil analysis section of FileX, default value of 26.5 mol Ceq/m3
- Fertilizers affect buffer for methane production.
- Added model respose to user-specified water table inputs.
- PEST Module and MOW file now accept dates in 2- and 4-digit year format.
- Plant model revisions
- Rollback of PineApple model to version v4.7.5.26.
- Calibrated cultivar coefficients for Taro with GLUE HPC.
- Removed hard-coded PORMIN.
- Increased root length density based on literature.
- Added plant response to soil Nitrogen.
- Separated CERES main subroutine file into multiple files.
- Fixed CERES-Maize issue with germination and emergence failure.
- Calibrated cultivar coefficients for Barley, Wheat, Maize, Millet, Sorghum and Rice with GLUE HPC.
- Added time required for pod/fruit to reach harvest maturity (XMAGE) for crops that use fresh weight.
- Added new Species parameters for Nitrogen mining, leaf growth and canopy.
- Calibrated genetics for CROPGRO crops.
- Updated genetics for fresh weight crops.
- Improved handling of C and N mining for Multi-Harvest.
- Separated CROPSIM main subroutine file into multiple files.
- Added protection to avoid zero division when calculating VRNSTAGE in CROPSIM model.
- Update genetics for Cassava.
- Simplified ozone equations for NWheat.
- Removed FOZ2 and SFOZ2 parameters from NWheat Ecotype file.
- Fixed protections with CSM subroutines to simulate under extreme latitudes.
- Updated Local variables description.
- Parameter simplification phyllochron = plastochron.
- Soil temperature effect switched-off until SoilT improvements are done.
- Recalibration of all cultivars using air temperature.
- Added protection for leaf senescence factor due to temperature (SLFT).
- Calibrated cultivar coefficients for Potato with GLUE HPC.
- Miscellaneous
- Added protections for input extreme latitudes in FileX.
- Updated and revised WARNING.OUT messages.
- Checked for missing input codes for tillage, fertilzer, residue and chemical in FileX.
- Reincorporated evapotranspiration parameters into the Species files.
- Stopped model for undefined PET flag and update error checking for ASCE parameters.
- Made ASCE ET robust for various weather file formats.
- Removed static CMake install prefix for UNIX systems.
- Updated start simulation date for 4-digit year to avoid stop the model.
- Updated CO2 concentration to current August 4, 2023.
- Reduced number of compile warnings.
- Handled multiple fertilizers in one day correctly.
- Removed WORK.OUT output.
- Prevent negative NO3 and NH4 values in the FORAGE model.
- Prevent total nitrogen uptake (TRNU) to avoid division by zero.
- New Default directory under data for Simulation Control settings for Xbuild and XB2.
- Weather variable definitions for Weatherman.
- Updated error messages.
- Updated variable definitions in DATA.CDE.
- BatchFiles in the Data directory.
- Updated CDE data files.
- Replaced DATA.CDE with ASCII to UTF-8 file format.
- Changed SweetCorn FreshWt.OUT header to match CROPGRO FreshWt.OUT header.
- Removed unused Nitrogen Stress parameters read from plant input.
- Cleaned up genotype files unused comments and updated files based on CROPGRO standard.
- Added by-product harvested to MgmtEvent.OUT.
DSSAT v4.8.0.0
Version, Release date 2022-03-11
- New crop models
- CERES-Teff
- Quinoa
- Samuca – Sugarcane
- Plant model revisions
- Major revisions to YCA Cassava model.
- Ozone effects added to NWheat model.
- Pest damage routines coupled to NWheat model
- Management
- Added “F” automatic planting option (force planting on last day of window)
Fertilizer characteristics specified in external file, FERCH048.SDA
Model function.
- Added “F” automatic planting option (force planting on last day of window)
DSSAT v4.7.5.8
Version, Release date 2019-04-18
DSSAT v4.7.0.0
Version, Release date 2017-08-20
DSSAT v4.6.0.0
Version, Release date 2014-03-26
DSSAT v4.5.0.0
Version, Release date 2011-11-01
DSSAT v4.0.0.0
Version, Release date 2004
DSSAT v3.5.0.0
Version, Release date 1998
DSSAT v3.1.0.0
Version, Release date 1996
DSSAT v3.0.0.0
Version, Release date 1994
DSSAT v2.1.0.0
Version, Release date 1989