The HarvestChoice Project at IFPRI, in collaboration with IRI at Columbia University and Michigan State University, published a working paper on the development of a new, global high-resolution soil profile database for DSSAT.
The database was developed using ISRIC’s SoilGrids, aggregated from its 1 km resolution to 10 km (5 arc-minute), across all cropland areas globally. Six soil properties (bulk density, organic carbon, percentage of clay and silt, soil pH and cation exchange capacity) were directly used as DSSAT inputs, and pedo-transfer functions were used to derive soil hydraulic properties (saturated hydraulic conductivity, soil water content at field capacity, wilting point and saturation). Final outputs are provided in *.SOL file format for each country at 5-min resolution. In addition, uncertainty maps for organic carbon and soil water content at wilting points at the top 15 cm soil layers were generated to provide brief idea about accuracy of the final products. The generated soil properties were evaluated by visualizing their global maps and by comparing them with IIASA-IFPRI cropland map and AfSIS-GYGA’s available water content maps.
The working paper and all data files, including the soil profiles (*.SOL) at 10 km resolution organized by country and the approximated representation of uncertainties, are available to download at IFPRI’s Dataverse at