When working with XBuild, I am getting a message: “One of the tools in DSSAT might not work correctly as you have a new version of dbgrid32.ocx in Windows\SysWOW64 or Windows\System32 folder.” How can I resolve this?
This error occurs when you have ArcGIS or ERDAS installed on your computer. To resolve this issue, you need to follow to these steps:
- CUT and COPY either the Windows\SysWOW64\dbgrid32.ocx or Windows\System32\dbgrid32.ocx file to a different location on your computer.
- Uninstall DSSAT and then again install DSSAT Version 4.8
- Run XBuild and check to make sure that it works.
Using this procedure, you will install the same file but a different version from DSSAT Version 4.8. While working with ArcGIS/ERDAS programs if you experience any problem then CUT and COPY the current dbgrid32.ocx for DSSAT Version 4.8 to a safe place and replace it with dbgrid32.ocx from ArcGIS/ERDAS you saved in the previous steps.
Please note that you now have two different version of dbgrid32.ocx file: one from ArcGIS/ERDAS that you saved and another from DSSAT Version 4.8 that you installed. Please make sure to keep them separate to avoid any further conflicts.