This week, the AMEI Development Sprint this week is being hosted at the University of Florida (UF) under the auspices of the collaboration between UF/IFAS and INRAE, the French National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and the Environment. The vision of The Agricultural Model Exchange Initiative (AMEI) is to advance agricultural research through the use of and application of crop simulation models. The participants in the AEMI Development Sprint will work on comparing and exchanging soil temperature models that have been developed in the different crop modeling platforms, including DSSAT that has been developed at the University of Florida. The accurate simulation of soil temperature is very important because of all the biophysical and chemical processes that occur and that have a direct impact on crop growth, development and yield. The AMEI Development Sprint includes two participants from INRAE and two participants from CIRAD, one participant from USDA-ARS, and seven participants from ABE, as well as virtual participants from France, Italy, and Germany. The next AMEI Development Sprint will be hosted by INRAE in France this summer.