News & Event

Live Tweets from the 15th Open Forum on Crop Modeling and Decision Support Systems

Missed the 15th Open Forum on Crop Modeling and Decision Support Systems (October 17th, 2011)? Here is the collection of 32 live tweets on the discussion/announcement/update that you can catch up with. Hope to see you all in next year’s forum!

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University of Florida scientists collaborate with Monsanto to develop improved computer model for corn production

At the end of 2nd day program of the AgMIP Global Workshop 2011, Monsanto’s official collaboration was announced and warmly welcomed by all participants. Here is the official press release from University of Florida

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The 15th Open Forum on Crop Modeling and Decision Support Systems

If you are attending the 2011 ASA-CSSA-SSSA meetings in San Antonio, Texas, please join us for the Open Forum, where we will discuss crop modeling and related activities.

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A Training Program on DSSAT Version 4.5 in Thailand

The Thailand International Development Cooperation Agency (TICA) is sponsoring an international training course on DSSAT Version 4.5. Applicants from invited countries can apply for financial support through diplomatic channels.

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