
Applications of Crop Simulation Models and Decision Support Systems Workshop in La Habana, Cuba

During the week of October 24 – 28, 2016, a group of 35 agricultural scientists from 11 research institutes in Cuba met at Universidad Agraria de la Habana, located in San Jose de las Lajas, to learn about the use of crop growth simulation models.

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“Advanced Application of DSSAT” Workshop in Arusha, Tanzania

IFDC in collaboration with the University of Florida and the DSSAT Foundation sponsored an International Workshop on “Advanced Application of DSSAT – Assessing Crop Production, Nutrient Management, Climatic Risk and Environmental Sustainability with Simulation Models” held from October 5 – 12, 2016 in Arusha, Tanzania.

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5th DSSAT Development Sprint

During the week of July 25 a small group of developers met in the Department of Agricultural and Biological Engineering at the University of Florida for 5th DSSAT Development Sprint. Some exciting new developments include a forage module for the simulation of perennial grasses, an expanded “automated irrigation” option that allows for stage specific irrigation, […]

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Announcing the 5th DSSAT Development Sprint | Gainesville, Florida | July 25-29, 2016

Following the successes in the previous workshops, the 5th DSSAT Development Sprint Workshop will be held at the University of Florida in Gainesville, Florida, during the week of July 25. The main purpose of this workshop is for the DSSAT Developers to get together and polish the codebase collectively, but we also welcome anyone working with the DSSAT code and […]

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4th DSSAT Development Sprint

During the week of December 7, 2015, a group of 21 DSSAT developers from around the world were gathered at IFDC Headquarters in Muscle Shoal, Alabama, for the 4th DSSAT Development Sprint Workshop. This was another “working” workshop with emphasis on code development and model and tool improvement. Specific issues/topics discussed during the Sprint includes: Specific crops Taro Tanier […]

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DSSAT Development Sprint 2015

During the week of June 15, 2015, a group of 14 DSSAT developers were gathered at the Maricopa Agricultural Center (MAC) of the University of Arizona for the 3rd DSSAT Development Sprint Workshop 2015.

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DSSAT Training Workshop 2015 at the University of Georgia

The largest crop modeling training workshop event of the year – the 2015 DSSAT Training Workshop was successfully held at the University of Georgia’s Griffin Campus during the week of May 18th.

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Announcing the 3rd DSSAT Development Sprint Workshop | Maricopa, Arizona, in June 15-19, 2015

Following successes in the previous workshops, the 3rd DSSAT Development Sprint Workshop 2015 will be held at the Maricopa Agricultural Center (MAC) of the University of Arizona (Google Maps) in June 15-19.

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ICRISAT holds International Training Program on DSSAT at Headquarters

Five-day DSSAT training program was coordinated by the Learning Systems Unit (LSU) of the Knowledge Sharing and Innovation (KSI) at ICRISAT HQ in Hyderabad, India. Thirty participants of various disciplinary background from partner institutions in India and Africa attended the training program, held from 23rd to 27th March, 2015.

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Presentations from the DC DSSAT User Group Meeting (Dec 4, 2014)

The 1st DC DSSAT User Group Meeting was successfully held at IFPRI on December 4th, 2014. About 30 participants shared their DSSAT stories and research/applications where DSSAT plays a key role.

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