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17th Open Forum on Crop Modeling and Decision Support Systems – Minutes

Sponsored by the DSSAT Foundation, the 17th Open Forum on Crop Modeling and Decision Support Systems was held in Tampa, Florida, on November 4th, 2013. About 30 participants shared news, project progress updates, collaboration opportunities, and upcoming training workshops.

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DSSAT Foundation Open Forum 2013

The 2013 DSSAT Foundation Open Forum will be held on November 4, 2013 from 7:30 pm until 9:00 pm at the Tampa Convention Center, Room 21 – during the 2013 ASA/CSSA/SSSA International Meetings in Tampa, Florida.

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“Where have all the data gone” by John Hargreaves

A retiring research scientist’s lament; performed at the retirement party of John Hargreaves (CSIRO). Lyrics by John Hargreaves Guitar by Graham Hobson Vocals by Graham Hobson

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Call for Papers – Environmental Modelling and Software

Elsevier’s Environmental Modelling and Software Journal is calling for papers for a special thematic issue on: “Agricultural systems modelling and software: current status and future prospects”.

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AgMIP Multiple Crop Model Training in India

With partial support of DFID/UKaid, ICRISAT/CCAFS, and CIMMYT/CSISA, AgMIP conducted a Multiple Cropmodel Training Workshop in India in March 2013 to train 48 participants to utilize multiple crop models and AgMIP software tools to conduct Regional Integrated Assessments of crop production and food security.

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AgMIP Multiple Crop Model Training in Nepal

The AgMIP Multiple Crop Model Training Workshop was held in Kathmandu, Nepal, on March 18-22, 2013.

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Simulation Modeling Workshop in Pakistan

A two-day workshop on the “Simulation Modeling: A Decision Support System for Agro-technology Transfer for Improving the Standards of Research” was held at the Bahauddin Zakariya University in Multan, Pakistan, on 3-4 March 2013 – organized by Department of Agronomy Faculty of Agricultural Sciences and Technology, sponsored by the Higher Education Commission (HEC) in Islamabad, Pakistan.

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DSSAT Workshop in Thailand

DSSAT Workshop in Thailand has been successfully held at the Chiang Mai University. Total of 27 participants representing 17 countries attended the workshop, fully sponsored by Thailand International Development Cooperation Agency (TICA).

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[Q] Any restriction of using DSSAT in commercial projects?

I understand DSSAT is free to download, but was wondering if there are any restrictions with regard to its use in commercial projects, as long as it’s fully referenced, or perhaps on publication of the results. Can you advise as to whether there are any restrictions like these?

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Report – “Developing Data Attribution and Citation Practices and Standards”

A new report published by the National Academy of Science addresses a series of critical questions around how to develop the data attribution and citation practices and standards, which are also highly relevant for the crop modeling community’s data standards and sharing efforts.

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