If you are attending the 2012 ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Meetings in Cincinnati, Ohio, come and join us at the DSSAT Foundation Open Forum, where we will exchange what’s new on the crop modeling research, collaboration opportunities, and related data and tools development activities. Day, Date: Monday, October 22 Start Time: 7:30 PM End Time: 9:00 PM Location: […]
DSSAT Training Workshop 2013
The DSSAT Foundation has announced the DSSAT Training Workshop 2013 to be held in Georgia, USA, in May 2013.
MarkSim Standalone for Advanced DSSAT Users
Theme 4 of the CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS) released a new version of MarkSim – MarkSim Standalone, which allows users to generate future daily weather data from command line interface.
Rethinking Cassava Model
A new initiative has been launched to improve the current DSSAT Cassava Model (CROPSIM-Cassava).
Reanalysis of a global soil database for crop and environmental modeling
Journal Article – Consuelo C. Romero, Gerrit Hoogenboom, Guillermo A. Baigorria, Jawoo Koo, Arjan J. Gijsman, Stanley Wood. Reanalysis of a global soil database for crop and environmental modeling. Environmental Modelling & Software, Volume 35, July 2012, Pages 163-170.
[Q] Where can I buy DSSAT?
“Could you please tell me where I can buy DSSAT software in my country?” Good question. Short answer: DSSAT is no longer for sale; you can request to download your copy from http://dssat.net/downloads for free of charge!
[Q] What is “Error 1402” and how to get around?
“When I tried to install a new version of DSSAT on Windows 7, I get “Error 1402″ followed by two 32 digit hexadecimal strings, and this keeps me from installing the software. Is there a solution?” Good question
Funding opportunities from START
START is an internationally recognized organization that promotes research-driven capacity building to advance knowledge on global environmental change in Africa and Asia-Pacific. There are two open grants that may provide funding resources for your research using crop modeling applications. Graduate Student Research Opportunity in Climate Risk Management This call for proposals seeks to support graduate […]
[Q] Status of taro and cassava models?
“Are the taro and cassava models being actively developed?” Good question.
[Q] Deterministic or stochastic?
“Are DSSAT models deterministic or stochastic?” Good question.