March, 2014

European Society for Agronomy Congress 2014: 25-29 August in Debrecen, Hungary

European Society for Agronomy organizes the 8th ESA Congress – hosted by the Centre for Agricultural and Applied Economic Sciences of the University of Debrecen, Hungary between 25-28 August 2014. Jon Lizaso, Professor at the Technical University of Madrid (and one of the core DSSAT Development Team), will give a keynote speech “IMPROVING CROP MODELS: […]

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“Climate Change and African Agricultre” – Three regional studies from IFPRI

In December 2013, IFPRI published a series of three books presenting climate change impact assessment studies for three regions of Africa: East, Southern, and West Africa. Each study used DSSAT to assess the potential impacts of climate change scenarios on crop growth and yields, which were used as an input to the IMPACT global food […]

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DSSAT Development Sprint Workshop 2014

As the new version of DSSAT is getting ready for the public release, the core DSSAT development group gathered together at IFDC HQ in Muscle Shoals, Alabama, for a week-long Development Sprint workshop.

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