During the week of October 24 – 28, 2016, a group of 35 agricultural scientists from 11 research institutes in Cuba met at Universidad Agraria de la Habana, located in San Jose de las Lajas, to learn about the use of crop growth simulation models.
A survey about crop model calibration
The AgMIP/MACSUR projects jointly launched a survey about crop model calibration, as the first step to understand different approaches to calibration used by crop modelers.
Forecasting in-season wheat and paddy yields using DSSAT
The CCAFS Regional Agriculture Crop Forecasting Toolkit (CRAFT) was developed using DSSAT and tested to estimate in-season crop yields for wheat and paddy in Nepal.
The 20th Annual Open Forum on Crop Modeling and Decision Support Systems
The DSSAT Foundation will be sponsoring the 20th Annual Open Forum on Crop Modeling and Decision Support Systems during this year’s ASA-CSSA-SSSA 2016 International Annual Meetings. The Forum is scheduled for November 7, 2016, from 7:30 – 9:00 pm in Maryvale A, Sheraton Grand Hotel, Phoenix, AZ.
“Advanced Application of DSSAT” Workshop in Arusha, Tanzania
IFDC in collaboration with the University of Florida and the DSSAT Foundation sponsored an International Workshop on “Advanced Application of DSSAT – Assessing Crop Production, Nutrient Management, Climatic Risk and Environmental Sustainability with Simulation Models” held from October 5 – 12, 2016 in Arusha, Tanzania.