
12th AMEI Development Sprint

During the week of September 25-29, 2023, the DSSAT Team the from University of Florida (UF/IFAS) participated in the AMEI Development Sprint in Montpellier, France, hosted by the Laboratory of Ecophysiology of Plants under Environmental Stress (LEPSE) of the French National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food, and the Environment (INRAE). The vision of Agricultural Model […]

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Final DSSAT Version 4.8 released

Since the release of DSSAT Version 4.7.5, the DSSAT model development team has been working diligently to improve the Cropping System Model (CSM) of DSSAT as well as the various tools, utilities, and application programs. Much progress was made during the DSSAT Development Sprints or Hackathons that are held bi-annually. We evaluated the first version […]

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