On May 27, 2020, Dr. Myles Fisher passed away after suffering a stroke. Dr. Myles Fisher was an agronomist who after working for 22 years with the Australian Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO), spent most of his career as a scientist associated with the International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT) based in Palmira (Cali), Colombia. Although many in the DSSAT Crop Modeling Community never had the opportunity to meet Myles in person, he was a very dedicated scientist and committed programmer. Myles was from the “old school” and was very familiar with Fortran, the computer language used in the Cropping System Model of DSSAT. Myles contributed to the development of the one of the first forage grass models for Brachiaria and later on worked extensively on the development of a new cassava model. Additional details about Myles can be found in the Obituary written by Dr. Andy Jarvis. His scientific contributions can be found on Google Scholar, including a recent publication with Patricia Moreno on the cassava model.