“Could you please tell me where I can buy DSSAT software in my country?” Good question. Short answer: DSSAT is no longer for sale; you can request to download your copy from http://dssat.net/downloads for free of charge!
[Q] What is “Error 1402” and how to get around?
“When I tried to install a new version of DSSAT on Windows 7, I get “Error 1402″ followed by two 32 digit hexadecimal strings, and this keeps me from installing the software. Is there a solution?” Good question
[Q] Status of taro and cassava models?
“Are the taro and cassava models being actively developed?” Good question.
[Q] Deterministic or stochastic?
“Are DSSAT models deterministic or stochastic?” Good question.
[Q] Any financial support for research and training?
“Is there any financial support available for crop modeling research and training?”
WISE 1.1 Global Soil Profiles for DSSAT: 500 Downloads!
February 9, 2012, marked 500th download of the WISE 1.1 Global Soil Profile Database in DSSAT format. To celebrate, we created a little Wordle using the users’ responses to our question on the intended use of the dataset.
Thank You Letter from UNFCCC
You’re Welcome It’s always great to see our workshop and training efforts get acknowledged. We’d like to share a nice thank you message we just received from the . You’re very welcome!
[Q] Weather generation in DSSAT?
How to use the weather generator in the DSSAT Crop Systems Model for climate change studies, and what should I know? Help!
[Q] What happened to ICASA?
Status of ICASA On July 1, 2011 the International Consortium for Agricultural Systems Applications (ICASA) was officially dissolved. As a center “without walls” and with no financial support, ICASA has been for many years at the forefront in promoting collaboration among system scientists. ICASA has stimulated the advancement of crop modeling and decision support systems […]
Report on the Meta-Analysis of Crop Modeling for Climate Change and Food Security Survey
The CGIAR, Earth Systems Science Partnership (ESSP) Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security – Challenge Programme (CCAFS) would like to draw your attention to the final report on ‘The Meta-Analysis of Crop Modelling for Climate Change and Food Security Survey”. This report is based on 457 responses to an online survey conducted in 2010. Key Findings […]