News & Event

AgMIP Multiple Crop Model Training in India

With partial support of DFID/UKaid, ICRISAT/CCAFS, and CIMMYT/CSISA, AgMIP conducted a Multiple Cropmodel Training Workshop in India in March 2013 to train 48 participants to utilize multiple crop models and AgMIP software tools to conduct Regional Integrated Assessments of crop production and food security.

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AgMIP Multiple Crop Model Training in Nepal

The AgMIP Multiple Crop Model Training Workshop was held in Kathmandu, Nepal, on March 18-22, 2013.

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Simulation Modeling Workshop in Pakistan

A two-day workshop on the “Simulation Modeling: A Decision Support System for Agro-technology Transfer for Improving the Standards of Research” was held at the Bahauddin Zakariya University in Multan, Pakistan, on 3-4 March 2013 – organized by Department of Agronomy Faculty of Agricultural Sciences and Technology, sponsored by the Higher Education Commission (HEC) in Islamabad, Pakistan.

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DSSAT Workshop in Thailand

DSSAT Workshop in Thailand has been successfully held at the Chiang Mai University. Total of 27 participants representing 17 countries attended the workshop, fully sponsored by Thailand International Development Cooperation Agency (TICA).

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DSSAT Foundation Open Forum

If you are attending the 2012 ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Meetings in Cincinnati, Ohio, come and join us at the DSSAT Foundation Open Forum, where we will exchange what’s new on the crop modeling research, collaboration opportunities, and related data and tools development activities. Day, Date: Monday, October 22 Start Time: 7:30 PM End Time: 9:00 PM Location: […]

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DSSAT Training Workshop 2013

The DSSAT Foundation has announced the DSSAT Training Workshop 2013 to be held in Georgia, USA, in May 2013.

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MarkSim Standalone for Advanced DSSAT Users

Theme 4 of the CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS) released a new version of MarkSim – MarkSim Standalone, which allows users to generate future daily weather data from command line interface.

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Rethinking Cassava Model

A new initiative has been launched to improve the current DSSAT Cassava Model (CROPSIM-Cassava).

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Reanalysis of a global soil database for crop and environmental modeling

Journal Article – Consuelo C. Romero, Gerrit Hoogenboom, Guillermo A. Baigorria, Jawoo Koo, Arjan J. Gijsman, Stanley Wood. Reanalysis of a global soil database for crop and environmental modeling. Environmental Modelling & Software, Volume 35, July 2012, Pages 163-170.

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Funding opportunities from START

START is an internationally recognized organization that promotes research-driven capacity building to advance knowledge on global environmental change in Africa and Asia-Pacific. There are two open grants that may provide funding resources for your research using crop modeling applications. Graduate Student Research Opportunity in Climate Risk Management This call for proposals seeks to support graduate […]

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