The DSSAT community has long emphasized the importance of relating model evaluations and applications to real world data. In recent years, we have welcomed interest in making datasets openly accessible and compliant with the FAIR principles whereby data are Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable ( To this end, we have new initiatives to strengthen the […]
[Q] Soil layer options
There are 3 methods of dealing with soil layers in DSSAT, controlled by MESOL in simulation controls: MESOL = 1: old DSSAT method of forcing soil layer thicknesses to be 5, 10, 15, 15, 15, 30, 30, 30, 60, 60, 60 cm thick. Soil properties are blended when user input layers are forced to standard […]
A New Global High-Resolution Soil Profile Database for DSSAT
The HarvestChoice Project at IFPRI, in collaboration with IRI at Columbia University and Michigan State University, published a working paper on the development of a new, global high-resolution soil profile database for DSSAT. The dataset is freely available at IFPRI’s Dataverse at
DSSAT Perturb Tool
CLIMsystems announced a new tool called DSSAT Perturb, which generates climate projection data files for use with DSSAT.