The book entitled “Cropping Systems Modeling under Changing Climate” aims at bringing out comprehensive information on cropping systems modelling in the world. The major focus of the book is to address the integration of soil, plant, and environmental interactions for climate smart agriculture. The book covers aspects of the application of Decision Support System for […]
New study predicts two popular American foods surprisingly resilient to climate change
Original by Samantha Murray, October 21, 2021. Sam is a senior public relations specialist at UF/IFAS Communications. She loves learning about and communicating science. Supply chains for French fries and pasta sauce are surprisingly resilient to climate change, according to the predictions of a new study.The study’s authors made their predictions using an innovative modeling […]
iCROPM 2020: Crop Modeling for the Future
This Special Issue of The Journal of Agricultural Science is dedicated to the iCROPM 2020 Symposium. It includes six papers that are based on both oral and poster presentations from the symposium, including the final keynote presentation. Read the Editorial:iCROPM 2020: Crop Modeling for the Futureby, Gerrit Hoogenboom, Eric Justes, Christophe Pradal, Marie Launay, Senthold […]
New DSSAT Documentation
We recently published a chapter entitled “The DSSAT crop modeling ecosystem” in the book “Advances in Crop Modeling for a Sustainable Agriculture.” This chapter provides a brief history of DSSAT, an overview of its functionality and applications, and up-to-date information on the status of the DSSAT Cropping System Model (CSM) and the DSSAT tools, utilities […]
Advances in crop modelling for a sustainable agriculture
This collection summarises key advances in crop modelling, with a focus on developing the next generation of crop and whole-farm models to improve decision making and support for farmers. Chapters in Part 1 review advances in modelling individual components of agricultural systems, such as plant responses to environmental conditions, crop growth stage prediction, nutrient and […]
[Q] Soil layer options
There are 3 methods of dealing with soil layers in DSSAT, controlled by MESOL in simulation controls: MESOL = 1: old DSSAT method of forcing soil layer thicknesses to be 5, 10, 15, 15, 15, 30, 30, 30, 60, 60, 60 cm thick. Soil properties are blended when user input layers are forced to standard […]
A New Global High-Resolution Soil Profile Database for DSSAT
The HarvestChoice Project at IFPRI, in collaboration with IRI at Columbia University and Michigan State University, published a working paper on the development of a new, global high-resolution soil profile database for DSSAT. The dataset is freely available at IFPRI’s Dataverse at
DSSAT Perturb Tool
CLIMsystems announced a new tool called DSSAT Perturb, which generates climate projection data files for use with DSSAT.
NASA-POWER database provides historical global weather data, including minimum dataset of DSSAT, on 1-degree grids in ICASA Standards format.
Converting WISE 1.1 Soil Profile Database for Crop Models
Biophysical models are commonly used in ecosystem impact assessment studies at different temporal and spatial scales, and their results implicate decisions on the overall system at multiple levels—from micro-scale natural resource management to country- or regional-scale policy decisions. In agricultural systems, soil data is often key for understanding the current status of the ecosystem and […]