News & Event

The 21st Annual Open Forum on Crop Modeling and Decision Support Systems

The DSSAT Foundation will be sponsoring the 21st Annual Open Forum on Crop Modeling and Decision Support Systems during this year’s ASA-CSSA-SSSA 2017 International Annual Meetings. The forum is scheduled for Monday night, October 23, 2017, from 7:30 – 9:00 pm at the Grand Ballroom B, Marriott Tampa Waterside in Tampa, Florida. The forum is an informal discussion […]

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DSSAT 2017 & MWCropDSS International Training Program

The DSSAT 2017 & MWCropDSS International Training Program, was successfully held at the Majestic hotel, Sakon Nakhon, Thailand from August 20-25, 2017. Twelve 12 newly recruited researchers from the Rice Department, four staff from Geo-Informatics and Space Technology Development Agency (Public Organization) (GISTDA), and six staff from the Office of Agricultural Economics (OAE) attended the […]

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ICSM trait modeling workshop

International Consortium for Sugarcane Modelling (ICSM) trait modeling workshop held on 26 and 27 June 2017 in Mount Edgecombe, South Africa (more…)

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DSSAT Sprint at IFDC

July 10-14, 2017 a core set of DSSAT developers met at IFDC in Muscle Shoals, AL to collaborate on the development of DSSAT components and to prioritize new features in the upcoming DSSAT v4.7. You can download the agenda of this Sprint here.

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The 6th DSSAT Development Sprint at Oklahoma State University

During the week of January 9 through 13, 2017 a group of DSSAT developers met at Oklahoma State University for the 6th DSSAT Development Sprint.

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Training Workshop on the CCAFS Regional Agricultural Forecasting Toolbox (CRAFT)

At a recent workshop participants were trained on how to reliably simulate crop yields over space, and use aggregated forecasts to improve food security on sub-national to national scales using the CCAFS Regional Agricultural Forecasting Toolbox (CRAFT).

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Applications of Crop Simulation Models and Decision Support Systems Workshop in La Habana, Cuba

During the week of October 24 – 28, 2016, a group of 35 agricultural scientists from 11 research institutes in Cuba met at Universidad Agraria de la Habana, located in San Jose de las Lajas, to learn about the use of crop growth simulation models.

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A survey about crop model calibration

The AgMIP/MACSUR projects jointly launched a survey about crop model calibration, as the first step to understand different approaches to calibration used by crop modelers.

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The 20th Annual Open Forum on Crop Modeling and Decision Support Systems

The DSSAT Foundation will be sponsoring the 20th Annual Open Forum on Crop Modeling and Decision Support Systems during this year’s ASA-CSSA-SSSA 2016 International Annual Meetings. The Forum is scheduled for November 7, 2016, from 7:30 – 9:00 pm in Maryvale A, Sheraton Grand Hotel, Phoenix, AZ.

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5th DSSAT Development Sprint

During the week of July 25 a small group of developers met in the Department of Agricultural and Biological Engineering at the University of Florida for 5th DSSAT Development Sprint. Some exciting new developments include a forage module for the simulation of perennial grasses, an expanded “automated irrigation” option that allows for stage specific irrigation, […]

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