
New study predicts two popular American foods surprisingly resilient to climate change

Original by Samantha Murray, October 21, 2021. Sam is a senior public relations specialist at UF/IFAS Communications. She loves learning about and communicating science. Supply chains for French fries and pasta sauce are surprisingly resilient to climate change, according to the predictions of a new study.The study’s authors made their predictions using an innovative modeling […]

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Adapting Crops For Future Climate Conditions

Texas A&M AgriLife study projects the genetic profile that cultivars will need to adapt Original by Kay Ledbetter, October 13, 2021. Kay Ledbetter is an associate editor/senior writer/media relations specialist for Texas A&M AgriLife. She is responsible for writing news releases and feature articles from science-based information generated by the agency across the state, as […]

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UF researchers lead effort to streamline, reuse data to help feed the world

Original by Brad Buck, October 7, 2021. A senior public relations specialist for UF/IFAS Communications, Brad is a huge Gator fan. He grew up in Gainesville, loves movies, sports and finding great stories to tell. Data sets are often easy to find but complicated to use because scientists store and use information differently, and they […]

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24th Annual Open Forum on Crop Modeling and Decision Support Systems

The DSSAT Foundation will be sponsoring the 24th Annual Open Forum on Crop Modeling and Decision Support Systems during this year’s ASA-CSSA-SSSA 2021 International Annual Meeting. The forum is scheduled for Monday night, November 8, 2021, from 7:30 – 9:00 pm in Room 151 DEF of the Salt Palace Convention Center in Salt Lake City, […]

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DSSAT 2021 European Training Course at the Technical University of Munich, Germany

DSSAT 2021 European Training Course at the Technical University of Munich The first DSSAT European Training Course was held from August 30 through September 4, 2021 at the Technical University of Munich. The workshop was hosted by Professor Senthold Asseng, Chair Digital Agriculture and Director of the Hans Eisenmann Forum of the Technical University of […]

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13th Virtual DSSAT Development Sprint

The 13th DSSAT Development Sprint was held from July 20-24, 2020 as a Virtual Meeting due to continuing Covid-19 Pandemic. The DSSAT Development Sprint was hosted by the Institute for Sustainable Food Systems and the Department of Agricultural & Biological Engineering of the University of Florida. One of the main goals of the DSSAT Development […]

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Myles Fisher

On May 27, 2020, Dr. Myles Fisher passed away after suffering a stroke. Dr. Myles Fisher was an agronomist who after working for 22 years with the Australian Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO), spent most of his career as a scientist associated with the International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT) based in Palmira […]

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New DSSAT Documentation

We recently published a chapter entitled “The DSSAT crop modeling ecosystem” in the book “Advances in Crop Modeling for a Sustainable Agriculture.” This chapter provides a brief history of DSSAT, an overview of its functionality and applications, and up-to-date information on the status of the DSSAT Cropping System Model (CSM) and the DSSAT tools, utilities […]

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DSSAT Source Code Now Fully Open

The DSSAT community is committed to promoting development of all DSSAT models and software tools as open source projects. As of December, 2019, the DSSAT Cropping System Model (CSM) code is fully open and accessible via GitHub under the BSD 3-Clause “New” or “Revised” License. This license is similar to the BSD 2-Clause License, but with […]

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How should we improve models? Tell us what you think!

The ILSI Research Foundation, Center for Integrated Modeling of Sustainable Agriculture and Nutrition Security (CIMSANS) is hosting a September workshop to evaluate methods for improving models that are needed to carry out a Sustainable Nutrition Security Assessment. To support workshop discussions, several surveys intended for model developers, users or individuals interested in model outputs have […]

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